American Legion Events Near Me: A Guide To Celebrations And Competitions

April 15, 2023 By admin

American Legion Events Near Me: A Guide To Celebrations And Competitions


As a proud member of the American Legion, I am always on the lookout for events and celebrations that honor our veterans and their families. Whether it’s a parade, a ceremony, or a competition, these events bring us together to remember our past and celebrate our future. In this article, I will share my personal experience with American Legion events near me and provide a comprehensive guide to the various celebrations and competitions that take place across the country.

Personal Experience

As a member of the American Legion Post 123 in my hometown of Springfield, I have had the privilege of participating in a variety of events and competitions over the years. One of my favorite memories was participating in the annual Memorial Day parade, where we marched through the streets of downtown Springfield, waving flags and honoring our fallen heroes. I also competed in the American Legion Oratorical Contest, where I was able to showcase my public speaking skills and learn more about the history of our country. These experiences have not only enriched my life, but have also deepened my appreciation for the sacrifices made by our veterans.

Events and Celebrations

The American Legion hosts a variety of events and celebrations throughout the year, including parades, ceremonies, and festivals. Some of the most popular events include:

  • Memorial Day Parade
  • Veterans Day Ceremony
  • Fourth of July Festival
  • Patriot Day Ceremony
  • Oratorical Contest

Each of these events offers a unique opportunity to celebrate our veterans and their families, and to honor the sacrifices they have made for our country.


In addition to celebrations, the American Legion also hosts a variety of competitions throughout the year. These competitions allow members to showcase their skills and talents, and to earn recognition for their achievements. Some of the most popular competitions include:

  • Oratorical Contest
  • Baseball Tournament
  • Bowling Tournament
  • Golf Tournament
  • Shooting Competition

Whether you are interested in public speaking, sports, or marksmanship, there is a competition for you.

Events Table

Event Date Location
Memorial Day Parade May 30th Downtown Springfield
Veterans Day Ceremony November 11th Arlington National Cemetery
Fourth of July Festival July 4th National Mall
Patriot Day Ceremony September 11th World Trade Center Memorial

Question and Answer

Q: How can I find American Legion events near me?

A: You can visit the American Legion website and search for events by state and city. You can also contact your local American Legion Post for information about upcoming events.

Q: Do I have to be a member of the American Legion to participate in events and competitions?

A: No, many events and competitions are open to the public. However, some competitions may be restricted to American Legion members or their families.


Q: What is the American Legion?

A: The American Legion is a patriotic organization of veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Q: How do I become a member of the American Legion?

A: To become a member of the American Legion, you must have served in the United States Armed Forces during one of the periods of eligibility and have an honorable discharge. You can apply for membership through your local American Legion Post.

Q: What are the benefits of being a member of the American Legion?

A: As a member of the American Legion, you have access to a variety of benefits, including discounts on travel and entertainment, access to financial assistance programs, and opportunities for community service and leadership development.

Q: Can I still participate in American Legion events and competitions if I am not a veteran?

A: Yes, many events and competitions are open to the public. However, some competitions may be restricted to American Legion members or their families.

By participating in American Legion events and competitions, we can honor our veterans and their families, and continue to build a stronger, more patriotic community.

Photo Galleries The American Legion Centennial Celebration
Photo Galleries The American Legion Centennial Celebration from