Events Won't Add To Iphone Calendar: A Frustrating Issue

February 26, 2023 By admin

Events Won't Add To Iphone Calendar: A Frustrating Issue


As an iPhone user, you might have experienced the frustration of trying to add an event to your calendar, only to realize that it doesn’t show up. This issue has been plaguing users for years, and it seems like Apple has yet to find a permanent solution. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this problem and provide some tips on how to fix it.

Personal Experience

I recently encountered this issue when I tried to add a friend’s birthday party to my calendar. I followed the usual steps of adding an event, but when I checked my calendar, it was nowhere to be found. I tried several times, but the result was the same. I was frustrated and confused, as I had never encountered this problem before.

Reasons Behind the Issue

After some research, I discovered that there are several reasons why events won’t add to the iPhone calendar.

iCloud Syncing

One of the most common reasons is a syncing issue with iCloud. If your iPhone is not synced with iCloud, your events won’t show up on other devices, and vice versa.

Incorrect Time Zone

Another reason why events won’t add to the iPhone calendar is an incorrect time zone. If the time zone on your iPhone is different from the one set for the event, the event won’t show up.

Software Glitches

Software glitches can also cause this issue. If your iPhone’s software is outdated or has a bug, it may not be able to add events to the calendar.

Tips to Fix the Issue

Now that we know the reasons behind the issue, let’s look at some tips to fix it.

Check iCloud Syncing

The first thing you should do is check if your iPhone is synced with iCloud. Go to Settings > iCloud and make sure that the Calendar option is turned on. If it’s already on, try turning it off and then back on again.

Check Time Zone

Make sure that the time zone on your iPhone is set correctly. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time and check that the time zone is correct.

Update Software

If your iPhone’s software is outdated, update it to the latest version. Go to Settings > General > Software Update and check if there is an update available.

List of Events or Competitions in “Events Won’t Add to iPhone Calendar”

Some of the events or competitions that might be affected by this issue include: – Birthday parties – Concerts – Sporting events – Meetings – Work deadlines

Describe in Detail Events Table or Celebration for “Events Won’t Add to iPhone Calendar”

When you add an event to your iPhone calendar, it should show up on all your devices that are synced with iCloud. This feature is especially useful when you have multiple devices and want to keep track of your schedule. However, if the event doesn’t show up, it can cause a lot of frustration and confusion.

Question and Answer (Q&A) and FAQs

Q: I have checked my iCloud syncing and time zone, but events still won’t add to my iPhone calendar. What should I do?

A: If you have tried all the tips mentioned above and the issue persists, you can try resetting your iPhone’s settings. Go to Settings > General > Reset and select “Reset All Settings.” This will not erase any data, but it will reset all your settings to their default values.

Q: Will resetting my iPhone’s settings erase my data?

A: No, resetting your iPhone’s settings will not erase any data. However, it will reset all your settings to their default values, so you will need to set them up again.


Q: Can I add events to my iPhone calendar without using iCloud?

A: Yes, you can add events to your iPhone calendar without using iCloud. You can add events directly to your iPhone’s calendar app, and they will only show up on that device.

Q: How do I delete an event from my iPhone calendar?

A: To delete an event from your iPhone calendar, tap on the event and then tap “Delete Event.” You can also swipe left on the event and tap “Delete.”

Q: Can I share my iPhone calendar with others?

A: Yes, you can share your iPhone calendar with others. Go to Settings > Calendar > Accounts and select “Add Account.” Then, choose the “iCloud” option and enter your iCloud credentials. Once you have set up iCloud, you can share your calendar with others by going to the Calendar app, tapping on “Calendars,” and then selecting “Add Calendar” and “Share With.”

Q: Will events added to my iPhone calendar automatically sync to my other devices?

A: Yes, events added to your iPhone calendar should automatically sync to your other devices that are synced with iCloud. However, there may be some delays depending on your internet connection and device settings.

How to disable suggested events in Calendar on iOS and Mac
How to disable suggested events in Calendar on iOS and Mac from