The Great Depression Events: A Look Back

June 27, 2022 By admin

The Great Depression Events: A Look Back


It has been almost a hundred years since the world was hit by The Great Depression. This economic crisis had a severe impact on almost every country in the world. The Great Depression was a time of struggle, but it also brought people together in their fight against it.

Personal Experience

I remember my grandparents telling me stories about how they struggled during The Great Depression. They talked about how they had to find ways to stretch their money, how they had to make do with what they had, and how they had to help each other out in order to survive. Hearing these stories made me realize how different life was back then.

What Caused The Great Depression?

The Great Depression was caused by a variety of factors. One of the main factors was the stock market crash of 1929. This led to a loss of confidence in the economy, and people started to panic. Banks started to fail, and people lost their savings. This led to a decrease in spending, which in turn led to a decrease in production and employment.

Events and Competitions During The Great Depression

Despite the difficult times, people still found ways to have fun and come together. One example is the dance marathons that were popular during The Great Depression. These were competitions where couples would dance for hours on end, with only short breaks in between. The last couple standing would win a prize.

The Celebration of The Great Depression Events

One event that was celebrated during The Great Depression was Labor Day. This holiday was created to celebrate the achievements of workers and their contributions to society. During The Great Depression, Labor Day became even more important as people struggled to find work and support their families.

Question and Answer

Q: How Long Did The Great Depression Last?

A: The Great Depression lasted from 1929 until the late 1930s.

Q: How Did The Great Depression Affect The World?

A: The Great Depression had a significant impact on almost every country in the world. It led to high levels of unemployment, poverty, and economic instability.


Q: What Were Some of the Effects of The Great Depression?

A: The effects of The Great Depression included high levels of unemployment, poverty, and economic instability. It also led to social and political changes, such as the rise of fascism and the New Deal in the United States.

Q: How Did People Cope During The Great Depression?

A: People coped during The Great Depression by finding ways to stretch their money, making do with what they had, and helping each other out. They also found ways to have fun and come together, such as through dance marathons and other competitions.


The Great Depression was a difficult time in history, but it also showed how people can come together in the face of adversity. The events and competitions that took place during The Great Depression were a testament to the human spirit and the resilience of people in times of crisis.

Historical photos show what America looked like during the Great Depression
Historical photos show what America looked like during the Great Depression from