Exploring The Unity Event System: A Comprehensive Guide

June 30, 2022 By admin

Exploring The Unity Event System: A Comprehensive Guide


As a game developer, you might be familiar with Unity, the game engine that powers some of the most popular games in the world. Unity provides many tools and features to create immersive gaming experiences, and one of them is the Unity Event System. In this article, we will explore the Unity Event System, its features, and how it can be used to create interactive games.

Personal Experience

When I started developing games using Unity, I found it challenging to create interactive elements. I wanted to create buttons that could trigger specific actions, like opening a menu or playing a sound effect. After some research, I learned about the Unity Event System, and it has been a game-changer for me since then.

What is the Unity Event System?

The Unity Event System is a framework that allows you to create interactive elements in your game. It enables you to trigger specific actions based on user input or other events. For example, you can create a button that calls a function when clicked, or you can make an object disappear when the player walks by it.

How Does It Work?

The Unity Event System works by using events and delegates. An event is a trigger that occurs when a specific action happens, like a button click. A delegate is a function that can be called when an event occurs. In the Unity Event System, you can attach delegates to events so that they are called when the event is triggered.

Events in the Unity Event System

The Unity Event System has many events that you can use to trigger actions. Some of the most common events are:

  • On Click
  • On Hover
  • On Select
  • On Deselect
  • On Submit
  • On Scroll
  • On Value Changed

Using the Unity Event System

To use the Unity Event System, you need to create a script that contains the functions you want to call. Then, you can attach these functions to events using the Unity Editor. Here is an example of how to create a button that plays a sound effect when clicked: public class ButtonSound : MonoBehaviour { public AudioSource audioSource; public void PlaySound() { audioSource.Play(); } } In the Unity Editor, you can then attach the PlaySound function to the On Click event of the button.

Events Table and Celebration

The Unity Event System is not only used for game development, but also for events and celebrations. Unity organizes events like the “Unity Global Student Challenge,” where students from all over the world can showcase their game development skills. The event also includes workshops and talks from industry experts.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I use the Unity Event System for mobile games?

A: Yes, the Unity Event System works for all platforms, including mobile games.

Q: Can I create my own events in the Unity Event System?

A: Yes, you can create custom events in the Unity Event System using C# code.

Q: Can I use the Unity Event System with other game engines?

A: No, the Unity Event System is specific to the Unity game engine.


Q: What is an event in the Unity Event System?

A: An event is a trigger that occurs when a specific action happens, like a button click.

Q: What is a delegate in the Unity Event System?

A: A delegate is a function that can be called when an event occurs. In the Unity Event System, you can attach delegates to events so that they are called when the event is triggered.

Q: Can I use the Unity Event System for non-game applications?

A: Yes, the Unity Event System can be used for any interactive application, not just games.


The Unity Event System is a powerful tool that can help you create interactive elements in your games. With its many events and delegates, you can trigger specific actions based on user input or other events. Whether you are developing games or other interactive applications, the Unity Event System is a must-have tool in your toolkit.

How To Build An Event System in Unity YouTube
How To Build An Event System in Unity YouTube from www.youtube.com