What Events Led To Ww2

July 10, 2022 By admin

What Events Led To Ww2


As we delve into the history of World War II, we come across a series of events that led to one of the most catastrophic wars in human history. The Second World War lasted for six years, from 1939 to 1945, and left a long-lasting impact on the world. In this article, we will explore the events that led to WW2, including personal experiences and historical facts.

Personal Experience

Growing up, my grandfather would often tell me stories about his time in the army during World War II. He would talk about the atrocities he witnessed, the camaraderie he shared with his fellow soldiers, and the sacrifices they all made. Listening to him, I realized that the war was not just about politics or power, but also about the lives of millions of people who were affected by it.

The Rise of Fascism

One of the major events that led to WW2 was the rise of fascism in Europe. In the aftermath of World War I, many countries were left devastated, and people were looking for a strong leader who could restore their nation’s glory. Fascist leaders like Adolf Hitler in Germany, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and Francisco Franco in Spain promised to do just that. They appealed to people’s nationalistic sentiments and promised to make their country great again.

The Policy of Appeasement

As fascism was on the rise, the world leaders at that time adopted a policy of appeasement. They believed that if they gave in to the demands of fascist leaders, they could prevent another war. However, this policy only emboldened the fascist leaders, who saw it as a sign of weakness. Hitler, for example, used this policy to his advantage and annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia without any consequences.

The Invasion of Poland

The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 was the final straw that led to the outbreak of WW2. The invasion was a clear violation of international law, and Britain and France, who had guaranteed Poland’s security, declared war on Germany. This event marked the beginning of a long and devastating war that would change the world forever.

Events Table

Here is a table that summarizes the major events that led to WW2:

Event Date
The rise of fascism 1920s-1930s
The policy of appeasement 1930s
The invasion of Poland September 1, 1939
The attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941
The D-Day invasion June 6, 1944
The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 6 and August 9, 1945


What was the main cause of World War II?

The main cause of WW2 was the rise of fascism in Europe, which led to the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939.

What was the policy of appeasement?

The policy of appeasement was a diplomatic strategy adopted by world leaders in the 1930s, which involved giving in to the demands of aggressive nations in order to prevent another war.

What was the significance of the invasion of Poland?

The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 marked the beginning of WW2 and led to the declaration of war by Britain and France.

What were the major events that led to WW2?

The major events that led to WW2 were the rise of fascism, the policy of appeasement, the invasion of Poland, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the D-Day invasion, and the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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